Pet Care Blog

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Dog Walking Services, Pinehurst NC, Your Pet Care Connection

Doggone Detrimental Dental Habits

February 6, 2023

February is National Pet Dental Health Awareness Month! Did you know that pet dental health isn’t only important for dogs, but cats too? Just like with people, dental health has a direct impact on pet’s overall health and well being.…

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Pet Sitting Services, Pinehurst NC, Your Pet Care Connection

Ode’ To Dog Walkies!

January 19, 2023

Did you know that January is national walk your pet month?! Join us in celebrating the gift movement, and get that serotonin pumping for both you and your pup! Pet health is a multi-faceted puzzle that starts with four corners:…

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grain free dog food

Just A Jump-Scare: Grain Free Dog Food

October 21, 2022

Much like the monster mash in October, the grain-free dog scare gave us all a fright! ? Staying in the loop with recent case findings and medical studies can be hard. Catch up with the down and dirty of what…

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Do The Chew

Do The Chew!

October 7, 2022

Ohm nom nom! Did you know that providing healthy pet chews are not only healthy for your pet’s teeth, but are also mentally engaging? ??? Just like with physical exercise, your pet needs mental stimulation to help tire out their…

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dog walking

Dog Walks: Stop & Sniff!

September 2, 2022

Trying to find the perfect way to get your pup’s energy out? A good dog walk includes more than just good exercise, it also includes Stop & Sniff! Allowing your pet to stop and explore new smells during their walk…

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